Sunday, August 14, 2016

Ethan Comes Home

Our son, Ethan, worked at Camp Hunt, a Boy Scout camp at Bear Lake, Utah all summer.  He was gone for 10 weeks and we missed him.  He had an amazing time, of course!  I'm not sure he wanted to come home.

Packing for camp.  Ethan bought and painted this old navy trunk.

Maggie doing her best to help Ethan move his trunk

In his tent where he'll live for 10 weeks

He worked in the handy craft area teaching wood carving and Indian lore.

Mitch, Wyatt, Hayden, Brayden, Rebecca, Ethan, Peter, and Emily.
Handy Craft staff

 He also got to be a part of the group that retired flags.  That was his favorite thing to be a part of.

Ethan helping to retire a flag at closing campfire 

On the final day of camp we got a call from the camp medic.  She was calling to tell us that Ethan got his toe smashed and she wanted to take him in to see a doctor and get it x-rayed.  They have a floating dock on the waterfront at camp and Ethan was helping to take it down and put it in storage.  It slipped out of the hands of those carrying it and his toe happened to be underneath.  Luckily it wasn't broken but they had to burn a hole in the nail to relieve pressure.  It looks nasty but we hope it will heal quickly!

So after a long hot summer we finally got to go pick him up and bring him home.  He had obviously made some great friends and is already talking about going back next year!

Tim Mair and Ethan

The staff

Drake (Ethan's tent mate) and Ethan

Father and son happy to be together again!

The Edwards Go Camping

After coming home from Pioneer Trek we had to dry out our tents.  We set them up in the yard and Tate and Maggie had a ball playing in them.  I realized that they had never been camping.  Because Ethan was working at Camp Hunt, a Boy Scout camp at Bear Lake, we could go up and camp on the weekends.  We decided to go.  I now know why it's been so long since we've been camping!  Equipment!  It takes so much equipment to camp.  Anyway, we did it and had such a great time!

Maggie having a great time

Tate having so much fun on his first camping trip!
We took 2 tents.  Todd and I slept in one and the kids in the other.  We even took the dog, Bentley.  He had a great time and even behaved himself.  We spent the afternoon at the beach and got to use the kayaks and paddle boards from the camp.  What a fun time we had out on the water paddling away.

Alan and Cheryl came and joined us for dinner and we made smores.

I think we will do a little more camping next summer.  It was fun!

Pioneer Trek 2016

In July Todd and I, Ethan, and Cora had the opportunity to go on Pioneer Trek at Martin's Cove in Wyoming.  It was an amazing experience and one we will never forget.

For those unfamiliar with Trek it was a four day journey re-enacting the journey of the pioneer handcart companies of 1856.  The preparation began almost a year before we left.  Todd got to be part of the planning and was the head of the Youth Committee.  It's quite a feet to organize a trip for 127 youth and leaders but they did an amazing job!

Our family prep was much easier.  We each had to come up with 2 - 3 pioneer outfits to wear.  That was my favorite part, coming up with pioneer clothes.

Cora made her bonnet and altered her skirt.  Our dresses were some that I made for the Winter Quarters Musical a few years ago.

We each also had to research a pioneer ancestor and trek on their behalf.  I chose to trek in memory of Margaret McCann Porritt.  She and 3 of her children were in the Martin Handcart Company and had to be rescued.  I felt her spirit as I trekked and was so touched to find her name on the wall in the visitors center.

The other thing we had to do was decorate our 5 gallon buckets so we could find them among the other 120 buckets.  I used my digital cutter and we each had fun choosing what to put on our buckets. The buckets were what we had to pack in.  Each person got a 5 gallon bucket and a large garbage bag.  The bucket was for clothing and other necessities and the garbage bag was for bedding.  That's it!

The group met at 5:00 am the first day.  We were split up into "families" with a Ma and Pa and Aunt and Uncle.  The Ma and Pa were in charge of the kids and the Aunt and Uncle were there for support.  Todd and I were Aunt and Uncle with Aunts helping with food service and Uncles helping with equipment.  Ethan and Cora were in 2 different families.  Ethan got to be with Brother and Sister Player and Cora was with Brother and Sister Weller.  Todd and I were together with the Ostermillers.  We each had great families and got to make some new friends!

Once we were divided into families we set off for our first gas and potty stop.  Our caravan was a sight to see.  Nine 15 passenger vans and 4 trucks with trailers heading across the Wyoming wilderness!

It took us about 6 hours and we finally arrived at our first camp ground.  Each family had their own van so it was a good time to get to know our new "family".  We played games and got to know each other.  The kids in our family were pretty quiet but what great kids they were.

After arriving at our first destination we got our first handcart and took off for our first trek.  We went about 4 miles that day at Martin's Cove.  We stopped at the rescuers statue and Todd did a little devotional there that was really nice.

At our first campground we got a taste of the Wyoming wind.  It was so windy some of the tents blew down. I was worried we were all going to blow away that night.  I'm happy to report that we all survived and I became very thankful for that wind.  The hotter it got the next day the windier it got and that was a saving grace.  Did you know there is not an ounce of shade anywhere in Wyoming?!  No shade!  In July!  It was hot!

The second day we got to trek up into Martin's Cove where the Martin Company took shelter in an early snow storm.  It's such a beautiful place.  

The third day was the real test.  We were to trek 10 miles that day at Willie's Meadow.  When I volunteered to help with trek I didn't think I would actually be trekking.  I thought I would be back at camp helping with food or something.  A month or so before trek when I found out I would actually be trekking with the youth I wondered if I would actually be able to do it.  When we got up on the 3rd day I was a little sore but decided I would be brave like those faithful pioneers and I would just do it.  It was hard.  I stared to get blisters but tried to take care of them.  At every stop I took off my shoes and dumped out the sand but by the end I had blisters on the bottom of my feet and on a couple toes.  I also had a couple toes that looked like I was going to loose the nails and in fact a couple weeks later the toenails did fall off.  The first 7 or 8 miles were ok but the last 2 miles were really hard.  I'm not sure I could have gone any farther than we did but I did it and it was amazing!

When we got back to camp I soaked my feet in my bucket and it felt so good!  We all made it and had big smiles on our faces. 

Cora got asked to play her flute at one of the river crossings.  She did a beautiful job playing hymns as the rest of the group made the crossing.

Todd drying off after a river crossing

Ethan wet after crossing the river

The last night we had a fun square dance.  The youth all complained and said they didn't want to dance but in the end they danced and had a great time.

Ethan dancing with Sister Ostermiller

We had a wonderful time and I would do it again in a heartbeat!  I'm really grateful for the opportunity we had to go!