Friday, February 8, 2013

Onesie Bottom Shirts

Onesie Bottom Shirts

I really love it when my little brain comes up with a brilliant idea!  It doesn't happen often so I treasure those moments.

When my oldest son was just a little peanut I got so frustrated when his little button down shirts would come un-tucked ALL DAY LONG!  The shirts were so stinkin' cute but I spent all day tucking and re-tucking.  Now that I have another little peanut the same thing is happening...tucking and re-tucking.

Well my friends, I have come up with a solution.  I know, crazy!  I have added my own onesie bottoms to his shirts.  It's pretty simple to do, and if you aren't the best sewer it's hidden in their pants anyway!

Here's what you need to get started:

  • Button down shirt
  • Onesie
  • Rotary cutter/scissors
  • Serger/sewing machine
  • Pins
That's it!  I usually get my onesies second hand.  I can always find some that look like new so why not?!

The first thing you need to do is cut the bottom off the onesie.  A rotary cutter is the quickest and easiest way to do that but scissors work too.  I leave about 1 1/2 inches of the side seam on the onesie.  That will allow you enough room for a seam allowance.

Next, mark the center front and back of your onesie and your button down shirt with pins.

Turn your onesie inside out then place it over your button down shirt lining up center fronts, backs, and side seams.  You should have right sides of your shirts together.

If you are a beginning sewer you will want to pin all the way around your shirts.  Notice, you will have to stretch the onesie as you sew because the onesie will be smaller than your button down.  Now, head for your serger, it's time to serge.  (If you don't have a serger just use the zig zag stitch on your sewing machine.  It works great as well)

Start at the center back and serge all the way around.  Notice I cut off the hem of the button down.  You will want to do this because when you get to the center front it will be too thick to get through your machine.  Trust me, I leaned the hard way!!!

And there you have it!!  A little button down shirt that actually stays tucked in ALL DAY LONG!  Your little one will be so happy!!


  1. This is so clever. So generous of you to share your creative ideas.

    1. Thanks Kass. I'm glad someone enjoys reading my posts.

  2. That is so clever! Do you think my 5 year old would mind wearing a onesie? =)

  3. Thanks Heidi. I was just thinking my 10 year old needed some of these. With low rise jeans these days I'm seeing a little too much in the back! LOL
