Friday, March 22, 2013

Bunny Tails for Easter

I saw some cheddar cheese balls the other day at the store and I thought, wouldn't those make really cute bunny tails for Easter.  I think the kids will think they are great!

I just learned the other day how to make labels and tags in Word.  I know, most of you already know how to do that!  I love learning new things and was able to use the new skill on this project.  Didn't they turn out so cute?

Here's what you need:

  • Jar or container
  • Lable
  • Adhesive
  • Ribbon
  • Cheese balls

I went to the craft store to find some cute containers but after seeing the prices I decided to just use some jars I already had.  Fill your container with the cheese balls, attach your label, and tie ribbon around the top.   That's it!  You're done!!  Have a fun day and stop by again!