Thursday, December 12, 2013


Silly me!  I thought the drafting part of our home remodel would be the easy part...NOT!  It has taken weeks, yes weeks, to come up with a plan.  Todd and I have disagreed on more issues than I thought we would.  We had the plans almost done and then it was suggested that maybe we flip things around and put the kitchen on the other side of the house.  Are you kidding me?  I could almost see the light at the end of the tunnel!  Start over?????

Well, I caved!  Want to know why?  Because it got me a bigger kitchen!  Yep, isn't that what life is all about, big kitchens.  Well, not really but if I have to spend countless hours in the same room I sure want it to be spacious and functional!

Our good friend Scott Gibby was our draftsman.  He is an aerospace engineer who does drafting on the side.  He's one smart cookie!  And talented too!  I'm happy to say we are still friends after the whole switcharoo!  We sort of just gave him a list of wants and needs and he fit it all in.  Amazing!

Todd and I spent many hours looking at the plans, asking questions like, "what if we did that?" "well then we would have to change that".  "That doesn't work...what about that."  Sometimes I thought my eyes were going to bug out!  We found that most of the time a good nights sleep solved the problem.

In the end, I think we came up with a great plan and I'm so excited to see it actually come to be!

We gave the plans to two different general contractors for bids.  In the end we choose one that both Todd and I thought would do a good job and be nice to work with.  

So why hasn't construction started you ask?!  While we took a couple days to choose which contractor to go with the one we chose was signing contracts with another family to build their new home.  Yep, we just got bumped to next Spring!

So, another winter will be spent in the cold drafty house, the baby will outgrow the kitchen sink for baths, and I may loose my sanity but who needs sanity, right?!

Tune in next Spring for major renovations and in the mean time we'll be doing some remodeling projects on the side of the house that won't be torn down.

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