Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feb 6, 2017

I recently got a new job working for Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theater.  I work for them each summer sewing costumes but their painter, Anne Benson, recently contacted me and wondered if I would be interested in sewing backdrops for her to paint.  Drawings were coming in from the scene designers and she couldn't keep up with sewing and painting all the drops.  So I took the job and it's been great.  Easy work, other than the massive amounts of fabric to deal with.  The large drops are 26 feet high and 60 feet wide.  The best part is, I only go in about 2 mornings a week and I get to take Tate with me.  He sits and watches movies while I work.  It's great to have a flexible schedule and be able to take him with me!

The picture today was taken after we had been at work.  Tate wanted to go get a Happy Meal from McDonalds but I told him we had food at home to eat.  He suggested that we go home and make a happy meal.  What a great idea!!  He likes chicken nuggets, apple slices, and chocolate milk in his happy meals!

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