Sunday, February 5, 2017

Jan 2, 2017

So today I couldn't choose just one photo.  We took the kids sledding on the golf course at Bear Lake.  We just walk from the cabin out to the course.  It's just the perfect place for the kids to sled and when they get cold we just send them back to the cabin.

They had a ball!  The snow was coming down but it wasn't too cold.  Bentley dog just couldn't get enough.  He ran and ran and ran chasing the kids up and down the hill.

This first photo is Ethan and Bentley dog having fun in the snow.

Maggie tried to slide down the hill with no sled.  It didn't work so well!

Cora and Tate loved to ride the sled together.  Last year Tate went down the hill once and hated it!  This year he rode again and again.  They had the best time!

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